Established Pursuant to the Resolution of the
6th Arab Summit Conference held
in Algiers on 28 November 1973

Sustainability Finance Framework

Sustainability Finance Framework (SFF) at a Glance

In 2023, BADEA established its new Sustainable Finance Framework as part of its bond issuance programme, making a further affirmation of the Bank’s strong commitment to supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the Climate Global Agenda.The Framework:

1. Governs the Bank’s portfolio selection by outlining the methodology and procedures to be applied in the classification of BADEA’s financial products as sustainable finance, as well as the applicable environmental and social due diligence requirements and the verification process for sustainable finance.

2. Provides a clear framework for ESG-labelledbond issuances, highlighting the use of proceeds and management of proceeds and outlining annual internal and external reporting principles and requirements.

3. Acts as a broader strategic framework to enhance BADEA’s commitment to support sustainable and inclusive economic growth and to support the transition to a low-carbon economy in SSA, including for the Bank’s ESG Committee.

Financial statements June 2024

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